Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Life seems to be full of a great many challenges right now; everything from silly to looming. I think this is just a case of life really… but I do feel like there is a lot on people’s minds right now. I was reading an article in the latest issue of Orion magazine by Sandra Steingraber on finances, a thing I loathe, in hopes that I would glean some wisdom from it. The article wasn’t uninteresting. Wasn’t exactly the revolutionary brilliance I’d hoped for, but she had some thoughts. So: finances, challenges... one in the same for the purposes of this post I guess.

She states: “Our stories about money, when told without nostalgia or judgment, provide perspective…” To paraphrase my take on the article: we don’t often talk about things—like the state of our finances or other challenges— because they are somehow taboo, and when we don’t talk about them with the people in our spheres, it becomes hard for us to judge reality- because we lack the perspective of real people and their real life expieriences. We become susceptible to what we read or what we are told by the news, or whomever… we become fearful and isolated thinking that we are alone in our world of troubles, when in reality; we are all pretty much in the same boat. Or maybe we are on different boats, but we’re in the same ocean. Perspective is a good and healthy thing. Perspective that comes from sharing our lives and our realitites with each other… So, all that being said, I will, if you permit, share some of my daily challenges with you. Perhaps you can relate?

Silly challenges:

- Keeping the cat from walking across my keyboard (this computer has got to last!)
- Sorting out what is wrong- and more importantly how to fix it- with my one ailing African Violet
- Washing my face every night and flossing.
- Peeing in public… and by this I mean in public restrooms, not out in the open… especially quiet ones. Or ones with long lines.
- Finding a bucket the exact size I need for the ponytail palm…

Moderate challenges
- Getting back into running (jogging- whatever) after a long winters blobification
- My ever-aging car, which, by the way, I can get HISTORIC liscence plates for this year: Dalati is turning 20 and going strong (more ore less) at 176,000+ miles…! The mechanic man says with he thinks I can get to 300,000… now that is a challenge I’ll take on…
- A new housemate- and double whammy- a dude. And while he is a pleasant and neat (keeps the seat down- at the very least!) fellow, there is all the awkwardness and adjustment that comes with sharing your very personal living space with a whole other person you barely know. (I can’t decide, this one rocks back and forth between moderate and looming...)

Looming Challenges
- Yes, finances- and the awful reality that $$ is somehow necessary in this world to do a good many things. Maybe not everything… but certain things… certain things I’d sort of like to do. Or at least plan to do in the future.
- Ah yes, and the FUTURE… Sorting out the how, and when, and what and where to be doing ones life…
- Finding an interesting, single, male individual to travel through life with… in his 30’s (give or take) with some edge- a couple of tattoos- who is kind and considerate and wants to live life with abandon and see the world, and has facial hair… but not (too much) body hair… Seriously though, why is THIS one so hard? Is that REALLY such a tall order?? Well, apparently. And actually, I might be somewhat in the minority on this one, because it seems that the reason there ARE no single, interesting males out there is that they’ve all been snatched up! Ah, well, I guess. Lower my standards or shut up and sing. Next?
- Self acceptance
- Actually that about sums it up for now. All challenges can sort of be traced back here. Is that pathetic? No, right… that is the point of all of this….

Fun Challenges, because its not all gloom, right?

- Throwing…
- Becoming a rockstar! Well, practicing my guitar, so that one day I may become a rockstar!

(PS- sometimes I don't love the way this site works... so the formatting- which looks fine in the preview- won'twork for the actual post. So it looks a little goofy. SUPER ANNOYING!)


Katie said...

what a wonderfully honest are a rock star:) Thank you for sharing, and I think it is true...the world would not feel quite so challenging ...if we all realized that we all have are very wise.

Anonymous said...

i feel awkward about commenting on probably the minutest part of your blog. but without you thinking i ignored the rest... let me simply tell you this... i have never been able to pee in public either. BUT... within the past year... i have found a remedy. i whisper: "one,two,three,four i declare a thumb war"... it works every time. :)

Kimberly Long Cockroft said...

I completely agree with the fact that we are all to quiet about our personal struggles. Absolutely. I think it's so healthy to say, what the hell, we're all a mess, and let everybody know. It makes everyone feel better. Absolutely. I finally got over peeing in public, but not before I peed all over somebody's floor in college trying to go so quietly nobody would hear the trickle.