Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Grandma MacDowell

October 24, 1920- September 10, 2013

One of my favorite things about grandma- she never took herself or anything really, too seriously. (Except maybe praying.) Always good for a laugh, or a story recounted and recounted again and maybe even again. On any given day. And then again the next. Letter writing was her gift and her art, always updating, always thanking, always sharing the news in her deliberate, school girl cursive. She was forever reading, and doing crossword puzzles and scrabble, which only got more interesting as the years went by and she got more and more creative with the rules and exceptions to the rules. Half deaf for as long as I can remember, she would happily concoct her own version of whatever you might have said, especially if it afforded a good laugh. She was a lover of marmite and apple cider vinegar, molasses and buttermilk, and fresh bread. Oh, and dates. Her favorite. My crazy Canadian grandma who kept grandpa on his toes no doubt for 62+ years, and roses on the table. Mary Lois Wilamena Johnson MacDowell, and the one for who I am named. Miss you already, grandma. So much love.