Friday, June 29, 2012

RITA and co.

After two lovely weeks at home, I set out east. First stop, Maryland to visit Rita and co. for a few days. I met my sweet little goddaughter, Elena. Pronounced eh-LEN-a. So proud!
It was fun to get spend time with Lucia, who is very two. Very cute. Very independent. Very good at taking care of her baby-- just like her mom, and absolutely FULL of personality. 
We spent a beautiful summer afternoon blueberry picking.
 ... which Lucia rocked. As a rockstar, no less... :)
 mmmm... the blueberries were luscious.
 And with my snazzy new camera, we did a quick family photo shoot.
Great people, I tell you!

Love you guys! And thanks for a most fabulous visit!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thank YOU for coming! I LOVE your job and my great timing of having children. Shall we do this again in two years? just kidding.