Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Hello from Bethlehem, PA!

I am in the midst of my whirlwind summer tour of the US, which is great. So fun! Seriously... and the reason I am quiet here. Always during this time I get woefully behind on being in touch and blogging, which is fine because these moments with people are few and precious, and I want to be fully present in them and not off in the blogosphere. And when I do have moments of quiet where I could blog, I'm usually too tired. So, its just life. And I'll be back, BUT last month I uploaded a slideshow I made of our Mt. Elgon trip for the students on youtube... and it just dawned on me yesterday to put the link here. SO SLOW! But, better late than never, I say!

So, for a speedy little slideshow of my Mt. Elgon hike, here you go:

Mt. Elgon Slide Show


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