Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Getting a little perspective...

You peel to the left...
You peel to the right,
You peel down the middle and take a bite!
Going bananas, go go bananas...!

Egyptian pharaohs fell from the sky, fell from the sky and played the blues... I've got sand in my shoes...

No not really... but I did go to Harpers Ferry for the day on Saturday with good folk, which is always a cure for the blues. Well, not the blues so much... but getting out, getting my heart and lungs pumping, hiking up up up. Being able to look down over an expanse always somehow contributes to perspective. Perhaps figuratively or maybe just literally. But either way it is satisfying to have a sense of working hard and getting somewhere, and that is good.

Oh, and PS- last time I was there I was IN that water- for a little added perspective...

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