Monday, February 18, 2008

waiting patiently for spring...

This piece of fabric was part of a MICA students thesis work hanging on the wall of the station building last December... I was at the time madly consumed with my own thesis work, but seeing this piece on my way to class or from class brought all that madness to a halt. I stopped and stared... after a few minutes I snapped a quick photo before running off to whatever was next on the agenda; sadly without getting the name of artist... My deepest apologies to him or her... but I'm posting it because I love it, for so very many reasons. It epitomizes my love of the creative process and beauty in life, it expresses hope, it speaks to spring and rebirth... to put a very few of my own bumbling words to it. 

A late summer flower from my porch which speaks all the very same sentiments to me.

So on this cold grey day, sitting in a coffee shop waiting indefinitely for my car to get fixed for some exorbitant sum... I feel glad and hopeful! Simon and Garfunkel in the background doesn't hurt either...

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