Monday, November 08, 2010

Sipi Falls

At the end of rural homestays, we all (the group had been split... half went to Serere, half went to Kapchurwa) met up at Sipi Falls, in the foothills of Mount Elgon, on the eastern boarder with Kenya. We spent two nights in a fun place called the Crows Nest for debrief. Its a base camp kind of place for people who are coming through to hike Mt. Elgon, or the falls... so is decent, but on the lower end of tourist catchment. (Mostly your 20-30 somethings who are doing Africa the Hardcore way... bumming around, local transportation, as little bathing as possible, and certainly no clothes washing. Big cameras and big packs.) The Students loved it.

'Debrief' was good Friday night... Saturday was for hiking to the falls... Me and the interns here- before setting out... Meghan, Molly and Jones... (And someone JUST pointed out that Tui-- one of the students is in there too!! Hiding in the shadows, in a creepy, sneaking kind of way.. Oy!)

The first of two falls my group hiked to...

The students....

Looking west into Uganda...

The second set of waterfalls:

Students, getting as close as possible to the pounding torrents of waterfall...

Sunday morning before leaving we hiked up to the top of the hill behind Crows Next.... Looking back down into Uganda-- Serere and lake Kyoga in the far distance, a little hazy to really make out that morning, but a beautiful vista none the less.

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