Sunday, June 21, 2009

You want pots?!


I'm having trouble capturing them in photos for some reason (hence the delay in posting...) When I was taking them in the photo room- the dark was being too reflective... so I took them on my floor on a white sheet of paper, but there is no horizon line, so they look like they are floating. So I gave up and just shot them ON the floor... which isn't exactly professional, but I actually thought they were the nicer of the photos...

I'd like to explain each pot in detail: the glazes, the firing etc. ... but perhaps not tonight. Tomorrow is work, and it is getting later and I am getting tireder. And it is a rather big week ahead. So maybe soon. (When I have all the time in the world to do nothing but pontificate on my surface decoration choices!!) But for now, drum roll please... introducing my pots....


kjr said...

oh rach, they're so fantastic, just like you. LOVE YOU!

Stacey said...

Rachel they're BEAUTIFUL! Love them! Praying for you as you finish things up this week.

Unknown said...


Allison said...

Well worth the wait! Rach, they're gorgeous. Wow. My talented friend. :) Blessings this week, habibti, in all you do!

Elisabeth said...

Rachel, they are completely fabulous.

Anonymous said...

if only clayworks had seen these years ago. . . perhaps you would be a full-time potter! they are exquisite. a perfect farewell to baltimore.

Katie said...

Rachel..oh I love them...thank you thank you for posting them..good luck this weekend with all the transition...I am thinking of you...Katie