Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Murchison Falls National Park

Finally... a safari. Without students or responsibilities... in fact, I didn't even PLAN this one, I was just along for the ride. Two of the program interns, Meg and Molly have visitors here this christmas, and so planned a trip to Murchsion Falls National Park. I have been once before exactly 16 years ago on a trip to Congo by road to visit my grandparents for Christmas. I kind of like returning to places you've been before...
Some things were exactly the same, like the Paraa Ferry that takes you across the Nile six cars or so at a time... (its sturdier than it looks)
And it must have been spring in the park-- there were babies EVERYWHERE...

baby baboons...
baby giraffes... (my camera isn't so great at distance shots-- but you see 'em? The three little light colored fellows in the back?)
The rainy season seemed to be over- but only just. There was still a pale green flush to the very tall grass. Made animal viewing rather difficult. I realize this fellows rump is to me in this photo... but the grass is just beautiful, and the colors make me feel at home.
baby buffalos and their egret friends (and moms)...
A patas monkey keeping lookout in a tree for his buddies in the deep thick grass. (You might have noticed, I'm not very good at catching animals actually LOOKING at me.)
We took the boat lanuch up to the base of the falls Saturday afternoon... Meg and I here, photographing the wildlife.
And the other kind of wildlife... baby elephants... CUTE!
Like I said, I seem to get a lot of this: (though this may just be my favorite shot of the trip)
As you get closer to the falls, the river is full of foam. Swirling in magical starry patterns.
The falls from as close as you can get at the base:
On the way out of the park Sunday afternoon we drove to the top of the falls. I have a distinct memory of the last time we were at Murchison. I was oh, 14 I think. We-- and our good family friends-- were staying at some crazy camp site... We got in got set up in our bandas or whathave you and the dads decided to take the kids to the top of the falls. I was in a foul mood- who knows why, being 14 is my only explanation. I refused to go and stayed back with the moms. Doing what exactly, I don't know.... journaling darkly through whatever angst was eating me. (I should look for that journal entry sometime in old journals... I'm sure it was something along the lines of how unfair life is...) Anyhow, this time, I was not so silly as to miss out on the spectacular view from the top.
Molly, Meg and I.
The entire river funnels into a gorge only a few meters wide... pretty intense (I know, I know, you can just hear dad in my voice, yah? Kara? Than? :) I'll own it.
The falls are alive, fresh every second and crazy. The lava flow around it is ages old, frozen in time but mirrors the same movement. Interesting contrast.
It was a fantastic weekend with good people. The bug has bitten... or reawakened perhaps, and now I'm ready for a chop box of my own, a tent, ditty chairs and ditty bags, a thermos for chai, a cooler for sundowners and a little old (reliable) set of (landrover) wheels to take me on all these adventures with a roof rack for sitting on. Oh yes, and more good friends to go with!!


Allison said...

Hurrah, safari! It looks like you had a lovely weekend. So good to see you warm and tanned with your hair blowing in the wind . . . very Rachel. Love you, habibti!

Katie said...

rach, it looks like a fabulous journey. so glad you got to do some fun traveling over break. It looks absolutely stunning. much love.

Meredith said...

Gorgeous pictures and fun travelogue! The Christmas tree pictures from the last post remind me so much of our tree in Kenya. Lindsay bargained for it and got it for about 50 shillings (about $2.50 at the time). It was one of my favorite trees ever and that year was transformative and magical. I hope you have a great Christmas. Love you, Aunt Meredith

Anonymous said...

Yes, I do remember going on the boat up the river to see the falls however many years ago.;) Looks like you had a good time. Trust you are well. Lots of love...Sarah