Friday, December 04, 2009


Kara and I had a week in Nairobi before our scheduled departure date... which meant for packed days of reconnecting, meeting up with dear friends and going to a few of those special old familiar places...

Ngong Road out towards Karen.
Looking across the dry dry Kitengela plains towards Nairobi- you can just see the city skyline there under the building clouds...
Going home:
With Steven, Mandi, Azibetta and Mary:
Our childhood house... the shadow of our sandbox in the foreground:
"The Center:"
A few relics still remain:

Speaking of relics, we made a trip to Sno-Cone (you know, down town next to the Hong Kong) for chocolate dips... This poster has been up since my parents were in high school:
Meeting up with Anna for a drink:
Tea with Sarah and the chance to meet Micha Wema:
And Cathy! And a most adorable little Kwezi:
Kwezi, who, I just have to say, I have NEVER met a child so uncannily absolutely like his mother:
Awww.... Sammy and the lovely Irene:
Sammy, me, Irene, Cathy, Jordo and Kwezi
Such good people!

So, who really knows the whys of all the little and big things that happen in life, the 'perfect' opportunities that seem to fall from out of nowhere onto our heads. That upon on closer inspection maybe aren't so perfect, but their presence alters the headspace just enough to shift ones course, leading to who knows what sort of ripple effect. Kara left on our planned departure date, but I extended my ticket for another four weeks. A chance to Be. Let it all sink in a little. Live it. See what other sorts of life altering pieces of sky might fall on my head.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Rach, so good to see you blogged again:) Thank you for sharing these pieces of your journey!