Wednesday, August 05, 2009


After a wonderful (minus the surgery) month at home with mom and dad, and a helpful (loving) push... I embarked on my travels. The intra-continental ones at the moment...

First stop lovely Kansas. Beautiful lush, greengrowing kansas with Auntie Eileen, Raha, Ryan Zephyr, Auntie Annie and Skyler. Five days of the farm, harvesting, baking zucchini goods, eating, Lawrence, copious cups of tea, sweet little Zephyr, oh, sweet Zephyr!! mosquitoes, thunderstorms, beads and jewels, tropicana, murals and sculptures and little houses to dream about....

Ok, Zephyr is flipping cute in photos... but in PERSON... My oh my; he is ever so wonderful! He is so happy (with the exception of being in his car seat)... with a squeaky fun smile/squeal like his auntie B, and strong little legs... for standing for standing and stretching. He has deep, clear blue intense eyes- and a forehead that furrows in serious pondering and questioning (much like his mother). He loves blue. And his zanny/grannny. And ceramic drinking vessels... after my own heart for sure!
Tea at Auntie Annies:
late afternoon, early evening harvesting:

Me and Zephyr with his beloved minin ratta (would you look at that beautiful little tummy?!):
Zephyr and his papa Ryan:
Host Skyler:
Zwat and his zanny:
Get a load of that enormous, luscious, home-grown stuffed zucchini for lunch...!
The best porch swing ever... in the best of company...
Already indoctrinated properly: teatime.
Went on a mini-art tour with Auntie Annie... a beautiful mural in the health center:

And I'm off... Next stop Missoula Montana. Kwaheri ya kuonana Kansas... and thank you for a special weekend!! Much love to all you...


Katie said... beautiful...I hope your harvests went looks like lovely time with your family...oh I hope Missoula is lovely for you:)

Jesse said...

What fun and what adorable pictures!