Thursday, April 17, 2008

warm days in baltimore

A few days ago- a few short days ago, I wrote an email to a friend titled "dead space," because I have been feeling unsettled, discontent... cold- literally... cold; the green growingness of spring is here, but not the warmth. And the grey coldness of it all has left me feeling like I'm in this holding pattern, this dead space. The reply was "live space." No Rachel, you are not living in dead space, you are living in LIVE space. It is a good season. 

On June 24th 2007 I posted a photo of a baltimore arabber... Today I was making some calls at work, looking for a good, cheap photographer who might be interested in shooting some events this summer in exchange for a class at BCW, or something of the like... Anyhow, I heard about this fellow, Colby Ware, and checked out his site; he has a beautiful piece in his stories section on arabbers-- amazing photos that capture one of the beautiful, quiet traditions that makes Baltimore so special. 

And today at long last it WAS warm again. We ate lunch outside... my arms are slightly burned... petals are dropping off trees and leaving in their place bright, fresh little green leaves. SHADE! Soon horses bells will jingle jangle in time with the clippity clop of hooves on pavement-- their arabbers calling out their wares, pimped out ice-cream trucks will be singing their wacky tunes (ode to joy and fur elise and hello!) through the neighborhoods, suntea will be abrewin' on the back porch, and the days will be gloriously long. The air smells alive and fresh. I feel my spirit awakening... and I am living again in alive space. Winter be GONE! 

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