Monday, March 31, 2008

cherry blossoms and THEN some...

I'm certain the internet has been inundated with images of the DC cherry blossoms- based on the number of people and cameras and photos being taken on Saturday... (and that was just Saturday!). I was one of the masses, enjoying spring, reveling in the blossoms, snapping away with my own little digital and am now uploading for all to see... but I'm also quite certain, despite the millions, there were only about five other individuals who had such a day as this...

We met up for a lovely picnic- despite the CHILLY wind... (it may LOOK like spring... but still feels a little on the wintery side...) 
We had the most impressive picnic: homemade pesto- Beth and Josh, fresh multi-grain rolls- Rita, razzle-dazzle ratatoullie- Juan, raw horseradish cheese and fresh apple cider- Katie, and a fantastic full-of-farmers-market-goodness kale salad- Katie and I. Oh and let me not forget the shortbread cookies Rita made. Like I said, impressive; we were stuffed ticks by the end!

We stole kisses on the sly... (ok Josh did...)
We admired and enjoyed the kite festival. Overhead the air was buzzing with taut kite strings holding on for dear life to pirate ships, dragons, fish, dolphins, butterflies, whirly gigs, curly q's and all sorts of crazy, colorful kites... This photo doesn't quite do it justice. 

We made a group phone call to a certain missing individual...
Ahhh, we had such fun! 
As did, I'm quite certain, many MANY others...  

1 comment:

kjr said...

lovely. i miss all the people at this picnic. thanks for calling.