Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Home for thanksgiving... so, SO good I tell you... made me appreciate the fact that Baltimore winters really ARE rather mild.

Saturday afternoon we drove out to Blackwell for a walk about- myself, my mom, aunt, cousin and "the 4" hot dogs" as my uncle calls them, Francie and Skittles. I borrowed my Dads Nikon D200... which was a FAR more satisfying picture taking experience than my silly little digital point and shoot. Ahhh... I'd almost forgotten what its like to feel the weight of the camera, look through the view finder... consider the aperture size and shutter speed... to hear the satisfying click of the shutter...

It was a cold, bright afternoon... the colors fast asleep somewhere below the surface, the sunlight pulling out the textures of winter...


Jaime Hoerricks, PhD said...

I would like to share my blog with you. I like your eye for interesting images. I think your photos could use a bit of contrast separation and sharpening to really make them jump off of the page. Feel free to browse through my blog for ideas on taking your images to the next level.

Jim Hoerricks
Author of the upcoming book Forensic Photoshop - a comprehensive imaging workflow for forensic professionals
Co-Author of Best Practices for the Retrieval of Video Evidence from Digital CCTV Systems

Allison said...

Plah! A spam comment on your gorgeous blog! Yick!
Your pictures are lovely, Rach--makes me wish for a nice digital camera, too, instead of my little point & shoot. Thanks for sharing, habibti.

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passadinha lá no meu, que é sobre frases e poesias, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://mil-frases.blogspot.com. Um abraço.

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