Friday, June 12, 2009

reality setting in...

I'm down to two weeks. The reality of just under two weeks left of work is both exhilarating and terrifying. The thought of leaving Baltimore in just over two weeks is horribly sad. The amount of stuff yet to do in those two weeks to wrap up and tie up and pack up... is completely daunting... I am overwhelmed. 

I have decided to try and sell my car. I'm a little heartbroken by this. I wish it weren't so. I wish I could care less about this inanimate, gas-consuming object. But I don't. I've had her for a good 9 years... I feel like she is part of my identity somehow. I can't help it. It goes against every grain of my being to love such a thing as a car. BUT I DO. Not just any car... but THIS car, MY car. My 1989 gold volvo 240DL. Sweet thing. 

I hope that I can find a good soul that will take her and love her into her old age as much as I have. I think I want to never buy a car again. A) so as not to contribute any more than I have to to the greenhousing of the planet, and B) so that I don't have to get attached and deal with the loss. Melodramatic? Everything feels a little melodramatic to me right now. 

But this weekend I am participating in a community woodfiring. That is-- for those of you less versed in 'clay'-- the firing of our Noborigama wood kiln at Clayworks. A 24-hour firing process which involves constant watch and stoking. My shifts are from 1-4pm Saturday afternoon and 3:30-8am Sunday morning... Hooowee! Actually I'm pretty excited, I've wanted to do this since I landed four years ago (don't ask me how four years went by without my doing it...) and I've got a fair amount of work in there. I can't wait to see how it all turns out come Wednesday when we unload. 

... Any brilliant souls out there in the DC/Baltimore metro area want a sweet little volvo to call their own?  

1 comment:

Katie said...

rachel...oh I feel sad for you loosing your car...may she find a good home.