Friday, November 25, 2011


Jean Evelyn Robinson
I am thankful for my grandma Robinson. She lived a very full 88 years of life... she was adventurous, brave, independent, stubborn, mischievous-- full of beans really. I am thankful for this picture I have of her under a big beautiful Mango tree in Congo. That tree behind her speaks so clearly of her life. Faithful. Rooted. Strong.

I am thankful that this summer we spent a good week with her in Florida before hear health really started to decline. And I am thankful for this picture of her, of us. It captures something so very grandma, and is exactly how I will always remember her.

And I am ever so thankful that I was able to be with her as she bravely stepped from this life into the next... And I am thankful for this picture, of my hand in hers in those last hours. And of the steadiness I feel in that... my life which has, in part, grown out of hers. Her life and experiences sustaining, supporting, gently encouraging and challenging mine.

I love you, grandma. Thank you for a life well lived and a rich and beautiful heritage to live into.

Friday, November 18, 2011

for the love of matoke...

I spent a good bit of time traipsing through matoke plantations while we were on rural home stays in Kapchorwa a couple of weeks ago. I love these plants... their leaves, the lines, the colors, the sunlight glowing through them, the negative spaces they create... Love love love them! Just thought I'd share the love.